
All because the lady has hayfever.....


Ok, I'm back (wipes pineapple juice from lips). So yesterday evening I decided to make some Brainy Brownies from The Sneaky Chef. As an aside....mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmm, mmmmm, mmmmmmmm!

Strictly speaking I was 'testing the recipe' for Roy at church...and if he's lucky he might actually get to try some!
Anyway, I digress, that's not the point of this story. So, the Dusband comes downstairs....and he gets that hungry look in his eye....he's licking his lips...a tiny bit of drool escapes (those in church Sunday will know the signs....) HE WANTS BROWNIES! But he decides that you can't have brownies without ice cream.
This is not usual for Dus....we're not really ice cream kinda people. We certainly haven't had any in the freezer for a couple of months now, so I thought it was odd, but who can understand men anyway. So, he pops off to tesco. With the car. Which is odd, cos he loves walking...and Tesco is literally at the end of the road, cross over, walk through a bit and you're there.....I always take the car. Enough said.

He comes home. Tricksy is ALL OVER his face let me tell you that for nothing! And what does he present me with...?


Aww the sweetie! I told him off once for sending interflora....*mumbles about waste of money* so he decided to spend the same amount...but in Tesco....hence him  needing the car...what a sweet fool!
I kinda ran out of vase type action though so grabbed the water jug from the cupboard....ah, it's artistic, brazen it out girl!
He got me two bunches of crysanthemums cos as we all know, they last a good long time (good man!) and a bunch of brightly coloured roses and a small bunch of heather which he thought I could use to make the crysanths look posho. The cutie!
I think he underestimated the size of my largest vase though so they ended up in a vase on their own!

He said the roses were because I'd done so well speaking at church on Sunday (my 2nd ever sermon! - I made it past 20 mins this time which is double last time!) and the other bunches were 'just because I love you' eeeeeee! I love him down to his brightly coloured socks!
Anyway, so then I have the dilemma of where to put them. I went for roses on the dining table so I can look at them while we have breakfast and read our bibles in the morning.

The 'mums ended up in the fireplace in the living room so I can enjoy them when we eat dinner.....I know, we are naughty eating dinner in front of the telly, but we have all our fave programs on sky plus and if we didn't watch them during dinner we'd never watch them at all!

As for the heather...well.....I wanted them upstairs where I would see them during my working day....but having them on the same desk as I cut out/sew is totally impractical....so I went for the shelves in the hallway that I pass about a gazillion a few times a day in between going for the ironing board or downstairs (our bathroom is downstairs) or back to the office with my lovely big mug of hot chocolate. healthy glass of fruit smoothie.
See....I even pointed it out to you! Behind that door is the office/workroom/study/spare room but it was so dark last night it was better to have the door shut and bounce the light off it!
Also, did you spot my cutie little bookworm hiding amongst the books of high intelligence?

So, long story short, I very loves my husband. xx

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