
Tank challenge


For all the boys who read my blog...don't get your hopes up, this is not for you.

Actually I'm referring to the challenge I had with Leigh the sewing Diva to make my top in a week. I'd had the pattern and the fabric for months.

I'm tempted to make the trousers......but anyhoo. So I started by tracing the pattern because my mummy lent it to me and she'd not appreciate me cutting it out and her not being able to use it!

By Tuesday evening I had it cut out. Then Wednesday I did most of the sewing to take my mind off the awful cold I was suffering from. I got the hemming out of the way on Thursday despite my hatred for it. I finally plucked up the courage to do the zip on Friday and I'm glad I did. Next time I might actually follow the 'baste zip before sewing' instruction but we live and learn!

I didn't clip round the left armhole and it does affect the way the top is hanging on that side. I learnt my lesson though and clipped the right one before I finished the arm binding. It's the first time I've used single fold binding and I was really pleased with the finish it gave.

I followed the instructions for the pleating but I wasn't overly impressed with them so if I did this top again I'd do them slightly different, but they're ok. They're pleats.

I suspect that although I fell perfectly into the one size I should have maybe taken into account my lack of...urm...frontage and sewn the back seam with a slightly larger seam allowance than they'd allowed. I suppose it leaves room for me to grow. If I ever do. Anyway, I put on my happy face wearing this top.

I wore it Saturday when our guests were arriving for our picnic which was being held the day after. It was a nice 'welcoming' top I thought. :)

This might have to do also for a 'what I wore' seeing as I forgot to get pics on Sunday! There might be some dodgy ones of me running for a frisbee or something though.....

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  1. You did such a great job! I really like the fabric you chose! I dislike hemming also! I have a party going on over at my blog if you want to join! I'd love to have you! Check it out under the "Stache Party" page on my blog: mylilpumpkinpatch.blogspot.com


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