
Lonely sock hang out


The absolute unthinkable happened to me this Monday. Monday is of course laundry day as we've previously discussed. (By discussed I mean I've yabbered on, you may have read it, you may have skipped it).

I had an odd sock in the laundry.

*insert gasp*

It's never happened to me before...I'm just not that kinda gal. Pairs go in, pairs get washed, pairs get pegged up in their pairs, pairs get rolled and put away...that's how it works in this little house of a mild OCD sufferer. It's the reason I've banned my husband from wearing black socks. He doesn't mind though, he'd wear bright socks even if I hadn't confiscated his black socks. :)

Anyway, so I thought there must be an easier way of keeping track of the odd socks.

Enter the lonely sock hang out.

What you'll need:
Random piece of wood from an old bed once found in the loft
Paint, pegs, glue, letters and some brush type applicator thingys.

For the paint I decided upon the massive tin of dark grey undercoat we still have from fixing the door... That makes this craft....free! hurrah!

Anyway, paint your wood.
I managed to take a pre paint pic but not a post paint pic...go figure.

TIP: Tie a piece of string across your paint tin handle so that when you wipe your brush the excess drips back into the tin and doesn't get all encrusted around the side.

As you can see by the encrusted edges of this tin, Dus chose not to for the door.

Anyway, moving on. Paint the pegs. I chose a lovely mustardy type colour, also free.

Once the plank is dry glue on your letters. I had some die cut card ones left over from a scrapbook thingy last Christmas.

I used puzzle glue because that's what we have.....one day I'll find Mod Podge in our provincial little town.

Glue on the painted pegs once dry.

I used my puzzle glue bottle to measure placement of the pegs, it turned out just right!

I gave it an extra coat of PVA glue after to give it a tiny bit of sheen and then attached some mounting hooky things to the back. Technical I know....

Pop it onto the wall

Add odd socks and they can hang out until they find their mate.

p.s. I hope that I don't have to tell you this was staged....but just in case, please note, all socks are in pairs in this house, there are no odd socks!

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  1. Strangely enough I was thinking this morning (as I discovered that, yet again, there was a lonely black sock in the laundry) it would be awesome to have somewhere to put lonely socks!
    I always end up with odd socks though, since if one goes to holes I don't like to throw away a good sock...so I'll have halloween pumpkins paired with happy robots and so on!

  2. This would be fun to have hanging in the laundry room! Unlike you, we DO have some odd socks...my oh my... :)

  3. That is really cute! I need to make something like this for my mate-less socks! I have a party going on over at my blog that is dedicated to using your craft stash items. The link is open for most of October and I would love to have you join! Here is the link if you are interested: http://mylilpumpkinpatch.blogspot.com/2011/10/document.html

  4. What a cute idea! My husband is the main sock wearer in our household, he is also a freak about making sure all the socks get into the washer, and come out in the dryer. This would be really nice though for when you do get some lost socks! Thanks for the great idea!

  5. such a great good looking idea we all know that those socks some how end up where they are not to be love your idea come see me at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  6. This is great! I'd love it if you would link it up to my party that started today. www.projectqueen.org

    I used to put all of the "lost socks" in a bag. Once a month we would have a "sock party" and match the socks. The kids loved it!

  7. Neat idea, unfortunately I have way too many odd socks in my house. At the moment they get stuffed in a drawer and sorted out every so often. You're system is way better!

  8. This is a wonderful idea. I always have odd socks. I think my husband doesn't always get them to the wash, and sometimes I save a sock that I've pitched the mate too. I think I need this:)

  9. hehe this is way cute!!

  10. So sad but with five kids we have a whole basket full. I could use a whole laundry line to hang mine up.

  11. Samantha, what a clever idea! Very creative blog you have here!! I am now following via Southern Lovely. I am your newest follower; and I hope you will follow me, too! God bless you!

  12. Love this idea. It is so adorable and could be useful for those of us who DO lose socks, lol.

  13. Great idea! If they don't find their mate in a week or so, I would use the lonely sock to do some dusting!

  14. Now that is a good idea....I bet if it were really bad you could turn the dust inside the sock too so that it didn't spill out and go everywhere else.
    Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you again x

  15. hehe. this is so cute! i love it. i would love for you to link this or any other post up to my link party flashback fridays....a place where bloggers can link up vintage, retro, old posts, or anything that comes to mind when hearing the word "flashback".
    here is the link if you are interested:

    {love} lauryn @ lovenotesbylauryn.blogspot.com

  16. This is so cute!!! I would need more clips!! ;)

  17. That is the cutest! I need to do this, we are always losing socks around here. :) Thanks so much for sharing this @ Show & Share! I am so happy that you did!

  18. love this, i need one of these, except mine will need to be about 10 foot long with all the odd socks in my house! The weird thing is, is that they go in the washer in pairs but come out on their lonesome

    :Pinning this!

    Natasha xx

  19. hehe That's sooo cute!! I need to make one.. or two hehe :)

  20. Thanks for sharing this at the Stache Party! I need one! I hope you'll come back next month to link up!


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