What I wore...today!


*lights blue touch paper and stands well back*

Ok, it's time to get this blog back out of mothballs and get the ball rolling again. I've had a great break over the last few weeks but now you have to listen to my ramblings again. :)

When life gets busy unfortunately it's the blog that always suffers.

Anyway, seeing as I've not done what I wore Sunday for a while I thought I'd show you what I'm wearing today. Real time baby! Woooo!

As you can see we shunned the nice natural light outside and stayed in the messy office. Mostly cos I'm meant to be working right now.

This is typical Monday/Tuesday attire when I do a 'proper' job from home. I find it helps to keep me disciplined to dress as though I could easily be working at a 'proper' job. I draw the line at wearing shoes in the house though. I wear slippers. Funny though Dus doesn't wear slippers during the day because they are his 'home time foot coverings'. The mentality of those who work from home eh? pfft.

Anyway, today I went for my check trousers (you can't see they're check because we're inside in the messy office), a plain black v neck top and an eye-wateringly bright pink cardigan. I toned the photo down a bit so you wouldn't come out of this post with ocular injuries.

I'm also wearing bright blue socks with black and white sheep on. I'm represented by the black sheep. :)


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  1. I absolutely LOVE you hair. You look so stunning even in "daytime" attire! I wish I could be daring and cut this mop off.


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