
Sweet pouch swap


*Warning! Picture overload today!*

**I'm sorry, I thought the swap sign up ended today, Tuesday 15th but I forgot to take into account that the host is in Australia and they're so far ahead that it's already closed, sorry!!**

Have you all signed up for the sweet pouch swap? Me, I have serious sugar issues. I signed up within minutes of the post being published! (I cannot verify that, I just assume so)

Sign ups close TODAY, Tuesday 15th January so if you want to join in, hot foot it over to Sew Delicious now and sign up. Yes, I'll wait....

Ok, good. So I got my partner's details emailed out to me pretty promptly. I signed up on Monday 7th and I had her details on Thursday 10th. Good huh? So my partner's description of her likes was that she likes blue, especially teal and isn't really that keen on patterned fabrics.

So I made her a pouch in soft blue patterned fabric. I know, I feel bad for the girl, but when you're scrap busting, what can you do? Besides, what's more British than Cath Kidston and linen filled with chocolate and sweets. Mostly chocolate.

I kind of took this challenge a step too far I think, I read it that you have to FILL your pouch with sweets. So fill it I did. So much so that it didn't all fit and some will be outside the pouch!

I thought a nice selection of cadbury, sweets, sherbert fountain, melody pop, chewits, freddo, and others I can't remember would be perfect for a taste of Britain. I also purchased some ridiculously touristy hand made in Wales Castle Chocolate. Seeing as her pouch was handmade in Wales, chocolate hand made in Wales fits in well right?

So for the pouch, I used Flossie Teacakes' tutorial...again. It's just perfection really. Except she calls for an 8" zip and I cut my zip down to 8" including the end covers.

The pouch is lined in plain blue as a nod to my partner's preferences. See, I did listen really....I promise!

Once again I went a bit button mad and found these cute blue apple buttons in my stash. I had more but I drew the line at 4. Even so it's possibly a bit much. How sickly can a pouch stuffed with sweets be?

I pieced the front from some Cath Kidston Provence Blue cotton, some light linen and then did three rows of blue stitching either side of the seams.

 Seeing as the front was so over embellished I just did two lines of fancy stitching on the plain linen back with some matching blue thread.

I hope she likes it and recovers quickly from her sugar coma!

I can't wait to see all of your pouches, don't forget they need to be posted by 15th February! I'm posting mine tomorrow lest I forget and miss the deadline! (Also, it can take a couple of weeks for things to reach the US from here!)

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  1. Wish I had your sewing skills Samantha - really love the pouch, you can never over-embellish in my eyes :) (or have too much choc!)

    Thought I would pop by and say 'hi!', hope you are well, Estelle xx

  2. That pouch is so stinking adorable, and a pouch filled with chocolate is even better!!

  3. How could she not like it? It's absolutely adorable! I love the triple rows and the decorative stitches on the back. Such sweet details. Oh, and the chocolate...that's sweet too. ;D

  4. Love it, I'm sure she will too.. I managed to signup last minute yesterday and just got my partners info..so much fun!

  5. Your pouch is beautiful. Love the colours and fabric and most of all I love all those chocolates, you're such a tease. LOLLL

  6. Oh I'm sad I missing this! Very cute!! Although sending any chocolates in the mail right now would probably melt!

  7. it really is a sweet pouch, how could she fail to like it?

  8. Your pouch is ADORABLE and sweet enough to be sent without goodies stuffed inside!! I love your fabrics.... just perfect with the beautiful extra stitching!


  9. It's gorgeous!!!!! I love CK too and I thought I'd use her too in mine especially as my partner is in the States too! I hope I have enough time to complete it!! Xx

  10. This is one of the most beautiful pouch I have seen! I am sure that your partner will enjoy pouch and sweets as well! :)

  11. That is so beautiful ... and so beautifully sewn!

  12. That is so cute and sweet! I love the detail of the buttons too! I'm sure your partner will love it, I think most of us in the US wish we had some lovely Cath Kidston in our scraps!

  13. Oh that is sooooo cute!!! It's wonderful,,I'm sure she will love it!!! My pouch is still in the "design" stage LOL!!! This is so much fun... Thanks for sharing !!!

  14. This pouch is adorable! Your partner would be crazy if she didn't love it!

  15. Thanks for my pouch! I love it! I don't remember exactly what I wrote in my about me for the pouch swap now, but this fabric is great. It probably isn't something I would have chosen for myself, but that's the beauty of a swap like this. :) The topstitching and buttons just make it perfect. It was so exciting to receive it (and all the candy!) in the mail today. Couldn't be happier with my first piece of mail from Wales! It's motivating me to finish my pouch for my partner.


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