*Grand Opening*


Imagine fireworks, brass bands, celebrities waiting with oversized scissors.....

Ta-daaaaa! Welcome to the grand opening of my Folksy shop!

It's the UK equivalent of Etsy, but we won't hold that against it, we'll just give it a go and if there's nothing doing sign up to Etsy instead.

Handmade By Mrs H

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  1. Just following you from 'A bowl full of lemons'. I'm going to join in the weekly challenges aswell and I would like to see what other people are doing to organise their homes. I would love it if you would follow me too at www.anorganisedmum.blogspot.com
    It will be great if we all give each other encouragement.

  2. OoOooo loving these, especially the heart thing, you could make needle cushion's for sewing lol, they'd be handy, i went on the webpage and the bag you made is lovely too! Keep up the good work !! :D xx


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