
What I wore Sunday #9


1....2....miss a few, 99....100! That's what I felt like when trying to work out what number what I wore this week was....ignore holiday weeks, they don't count.

Ok, so yesterday I was preaching and I try to look nice and smartish...but I put on my grey trousers and they were still too big for me. The sewing fairies haven't gotten the courage to alter them yet. So back to the faithful old jeans for me.

Top: made by me
Corsage: made by me
Jeans: Peacocks....a while ago
Shoes: Padders (new - more on them another day)
Massive brown beaded ring: Edinburgh woollen mill (pretend I just said some fab designer there)
Big hair: French plait while wet the day before..uh oh!

This week's challenge from Yellow Blackbird:

Next shopping trip: Wear a brooch. Or a pin. Whatever you want to call it. I think flower pins and vintage brooches are so cute, but I haven't really learned to wear them yet. I don't know how to just grab one and go. So this week I will go shopping in my closet to find ways to wear my brooches.

I made this brooch by hot glueing some white lace onto a circle of felt then glueing a brooch back to it. I wear it quite a lot really so this week was easy for me...maybe that's not the point...hmm, I'll have another go later in the week!

Comfort: 9/10 Short of putting on jammies...the most comfort was achieved
Attractiveness: 9/10 I can't help it, I just look good!
Warmth: 5/10 - Good job too cos it was boiling at church! (I had a cardi in case it was cold...and a coat)
Effort: 5/10 - only a quick iron of the top and jeans....lazy really!
I'm not sure if the lacy brooch would award extra top trumps points....will await advice from my sartorial guide, Edwina.

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  1. Edwina von Tuliptia III26 September 2011 at 14:14

    Much like The Sims, Top Trumps: Mrs H edition does include additional "stuff" and "accessories" packs of various items, to help boost the standard array of garments. Bonus points are also awarded for HMH Specials (clothing hand-crafted by the said, Mrs H).

  2. You made that top? Geesh. What I would not give to have even a smidge of your talent. LOVE it.

  3. You look super cute! I love the flower!


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