
Pizza Swirls {recipe}


Pizza swirls....yum, yummedy yum yum.

If you're still carrying out a new year's resolution to eat healthier don't worry, these have got a ton of veg in and if you ignore the ton of cheese you can feel you've done quite well really. I do.

Ok, so here we go. First off go to Lauren's Latest and follow her pizza base recipe. Seriously this is the best recipe I've ever used and won't use anything else now.

While that's rising make up your pizza sauce. I tend to just use whatever I've got in the fridge/cupboard with a carton of tomatoes. They used to come in tins but now come in cartons. They certainly stack better!

If you aim to eat a rainbow you can't go far wrong nutritionally.

 I started off with 2 red onions, one small tin of sweetcorn, one green pepper {if I had more in the fridge I'd have used more}, a carton of tomatoes and a sprinkle of oregano. {Orrreeeeegaaarrrrno not oregganoe cos I'm a Brit!}. I also whacked a sprig of basil in too.

 I stuck it all in the blender and gave it a good old whizz. Next time we'll cook it all up THEN blend it to give it a deeper flavour.

 Lovely..! This delicious stuff will keep for 3 days in the fridge and a couple of months in the freezer. Saying that I can't be sure as it doesn't usually last that long!

Once your dough is done (mine usually takes about 90 minutes in the bread machine) roll it out into a long rectangle.

Spread some of your pizza sauce out leaving a gap around the edges. When you roll it up the sauce will all squidge out so don't over fill it.

In the past we've put all the pepper and sweetcorn on as toppings but found it's really hard to roll so we blend it all up together.

Sprinkle some grated cheddar on the sauce. Keep some to one side for sprinkling on after.

Roll the dough up lengthways, we tend to do this together to keep it in a reasonably sausage like shape. I'm sure there's a better way to describe that! We roll it to about there then flip the top over like so....

Once it's all rolled it's time to slice it into individual swirls. Get yourself some dental floss. The un-minty type is best but we only had minty and it didn't seem to do any harm lol.

Slide the floss underneath and cross it over and pull until it slices nice and neatly. I say nice and neatly but actually this will get a little messy!

 Lay your slices on a lightly greased baking sheet and sprinkle a bit of grated cheese on the top.

Bake in a pre heated oven on about 220 C (428F) for 10 - 15 minutes.

 Serve with some garlic bread and a side salad. All those veggies will make up for the naughty cheese and dough!

Friday night pizza anyone?

Samantha xx

At home with Mrs H

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  1. Is this what we're going to be making on Thursday? :)

    1. Lol urm...nope. Salt dough thingys this week...although they seem to prefer making things they can eat.

  2. Hmmmm. I may try this at the weekend. *edit, print page*

  3. This looks delicious! Thanks for the tutorial on how to make and for sharing at this week's BFF Open House.

  4. Yum! These looks so easy and different. My kids will love them.

  5. You had me at pizza! These look delicious! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!!

  6. Great recipe...it looks wonderful! The dental floss is a great idea! Thanks for sharing at A Couple of Craft Addicts!

  7. Mmmm! Those look SO good! I'm hungry now...lol. Thanks for sharing at Shine on Fridays!


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