
Some randoms


Moanday already?! Seriously, someone needs to slow the world down, I have far too much to do!

So here's a quick snapshot of what's going on. I have no pictures so I'll bullet point it. That always makes it easier to read these pictureless kind of posts.

1) I've had the feedback back from most of my pattern testers so Stella should be out by the end of the month. (A few revisions needed!) I'm sure they'll all blog about it when it's released so keep your eyes open for those posts.

2) We rent our house and every 3 months the estate agents come and do a quarterly inspection. I like to take the opportunity to do a deep clean the week of the visit. Mostly cos I'm a bit OCD and partly cos I have been conditioned by someone in my past that the house must be immaculate if 'outsiders' are going to come in. This may have been a ploy so that the outsiders didn't realise how he was treating me thinking about it. Hmm.

Anyway, back to the point. Wait, it's a bit long.

2a) The visit from the estate agent (who actually we really like even though he is an estate agent) is this Friday at 5pm. It's this 'opportunity' which sees me cleaning out the fridge freezer, batch baking, wiping down skirting boards and cleaning down the backs of the radiators. Until Friday around 10am when I realise the visit is that day and I start randomly stashing junk into all available cupboards! For this reason, I start at either ends of the house alternately. One visit I start in the kitchen, another I'll start in the office. Opposite ends, one deep clean every six months evens it out right?

3) I'm a list writer, I leave little lists laying around the house, on scraps of paper or backs on envelopes. My elder sister Lizzie is staying with us at the moment while she moves from her mouldy flat into her newly painted (by her!) house. I have learnt to not leave lists laying around for fear of wandering round the supermarket searching out an 'elephant' so that I can tick everything off!

4) My 30th Birthday is coming up (8th November) so I've been adding to my Amazon wish list. (I may have just spent 20 minutes looking at things to add between writing that last sentence and now). This isn't a hint, unless you're family in which case I expect you to be hopping over there to buy me something! Except a scarf, those are all just ideas for my sister (Nutritional Therapist extraordinaire).

5) Lizzie and I are attending a textiles and cloth fair/exhibition this Saturday in Merthyr and obviously she'll be crocheting while sat on our stall, but what can I do? I don't crochet or knit, I don't cross stitch, I don't quilt. Any ideas?

6) Does anyone else think 60p for one single first class stamp to send a small letter is a bit pricey?! I can understand the large letters being 90p but the size difference is massive yet the price between them is not. I think I'll invest in a carrier pigeon or two!

7) Donald Trump is a disgrace. I knew not a lot about him before last night, except that he was rich. But now I think he's arrogant, a bully, has no regard for planning regulations, courtesy or common decency. Also, his hair is not attractive (Thanks Ben for pointing that out!).

8) I bought a kindle for myself out of the moolah I made from selling off some of my stash during September which is brilliant.....except now I have a kindle I can't use until I make some more money to buy some books!! (I've already downloaded all the freebies I want, it's the ones I want that cost now!)

9) My button fell off my jumper that I'm currently wearing on the 8th of October. I asked on facebook how long it would take me to sew back on again. The longest guess was 5 days. I think it's fair to say I've surpassed all expectation!

10) I'm tired after thinking of 9 other things to tell you about. One day I might get around to tidying my stash like I said I would 20 odd days ago. Today is not that day.

Thank you and goodnight!

p.s. don't forget to tell me what I can do with my hands at Saturday's fair!!! If I could afford some new e-books I could take my kindle lol!

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  1. LOLLLLL I was just going to suggest the same as Dottie. Talking of birthdays today is mine and I just burnt a huge hole in hubby's trousers by buying loads of fabric. Perfect day. LOLLL

  2. I'm just as bad with buttons! Buttons fell off a cardi last year and I haven't sewn them back on yet (helps that I never button it up!)

    60p is way too much for a little letter. =/ You can buy three Freddos for that! XD

    For the craft fair on Saturday, why not take a real book? Or do some embroidery? Do some little customisations to clothes you don't wear much?

  3. You could do some embroidery. Or some Sashiko - that's really addictive. You could whittle something out of wood. or cut out felt flowers. You could do some Kumihimo (and I could learn to spell it), you could take up origami.

    How helpful am I??

  4. I am near Merthyr - where is the craft fair? I'll bring some buttons for you to sew on !


  5. I'm to lady like to tell you what to do with your hands at the fair ! LOL


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