
What I wore Sunday #6


Eek! It's Wednesday already and I haven't shown you what I wore on Sunday! It wasn't anything special incidentally, but hey, I promised you so I will.

Yes, I know it's still August, but it's so unbelievably autumnal that I've given up trying to be summery and ending up cold and am just wearing my normal clothes.

Also, am still fed up with my hair.....am considering cutting it all off into a pixie crop. Drastic I know. Any thoughts? I just seem to be putting it up all the time to avoid mullet style hair.

Comfort: 7/10 - Cardi is alpaca and a tad itchy even with a vest under
Attractiveness: 8/10 - if you like granny style
Warmth: 9/10
Effort: 3/10 No brainer kinda outfit!

P.s. don't forget to go enter my giveaway..... here!

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