
Nos Galan 2011


So Dus did it, he ran the Nos Galan on new year's eve. (I never know if that's meant to be New Year's Eve or new year's eve. I see no grammatical reason it should be capitalised but then, what do I know?).

Anyway, it was a super fun evening, the fireworks were AYMAYZING! About halfway through they had a bunch of cauliflower fireworks...the whole sky was covered in specks of light and I was certain that was their grand finale....then they let off a whole bunch more!

Anyway, there were 654 people who ran the 5k fun run and Dus came 49th.

His official time was 21:16. Each runner wears an ankle chip tag bracelet thingy which records their times and makes it more accurate.

He got himself a lovely little medal and raised about £240 for Cancer Research UK.

It was a great idea of CRUK to send him his name in iron on letters for his shirt, he got great encouragement all around the course from people cheering for him. The first time they cheered for him he was trying to work out if they knew him, then remembered he had his name on his chest! What a cutie!

I don't think I'll run with him next year, wouldn't do to show him up with my superior running skills!

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