
The day that shouldn't be


Apocalypse didn't happen again then? Who knew...

We're staying with Dusband's sister and her family for Christmas, we arrived yesterday and today our Nephew is off school (the girls still have school today) so while baby's sleeping, Chicky's gone last minute present shopping and Dusband is taking the opportunity to catch up on some gaming with Nephew! (In their dressing gowns.....at 12:13pm)

Webcam pic, sorry!

I'm happily browsing Pinterest pretending I'm doing something useful!

No, I didn't do my hair yet, you're right :)

Anyone else winding down for the break yet or are you all still crazily preparing?

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  1. Hope you have a happy, happy Christmas! I'm kinda winding down because I am not making sugar goods this year. Makes it a lot easier. :-)


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