The day that summer came to visit


Amazingly I remembered to take a photo of 'summer Samantha' on bank holiday Monday!

I was able to wear my flip flops (hurrah!), a light cotton skirt (not worn last year at all) and a vest top. I could feel my shoulders beginning to catch so I threw on a lightweight cardi to cover up a bit. I still ended up with a rather pink shin (why just one?!) and a rather red Décolletage! Tuesday I managed to find the stronger suncream though and stepped my protection up a notch.  Monday it was 18 C (64.4 F) and Tuesday it was 19 C (66 F). For us here in Wales, that's positively tropical so we made the most of it and sat out on the bank holiday Monday. I hope summer comes to visit us again this year!

Do you think I'm a bit of an oddball for saying 18 degrees is summer?

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  1. lol! That is winter temps for us! And on a day with a top of 18 I would be wearing jeans, sneakers, a singlet, long sleeves and probably a cardy too. And I wouldn't need sunscreen. tip for when you come to Australia - come to QLD in winter and that way you will get lots of Welsh summer. ;P
    (you might like to skip our summers - we complain about them and they would not be fun for anyone used to much cooler climes.) Oh you would laugh so much at me in Wales ... that is if you could find me under all the layers I would be wearing.

  2. Oh I meant to say that it is a pretty skirt too.

  3. That's what I'd wear in winter. I'm dreading the summer. When I went to Spain one summer to visit my parents I made them put the heating on and give me a quilt to sleep with. They thought I was mental.

  4. LOLLL Yes I do think you are oddball! 18 degrees is FREEZING if you ask me! LOLLL It's our winter temperature and I would wear jeans, singlet, long sleeve top, sweater, socks and shoes...and ugg boots if I am at home! LOLLL Forget the flip flops (We call them thongs) toes would drop off!!!!
    ChrisW Designs

  5. Adorable outfit! I would be really sad living somewhere so cold! :) It's starting to warm up around here and it's really nice to be able to take the kid out to the park without freezing!

  6. 18?! How about you double that, and then I'll believe it's summer!

  7. Let's switch homes :) You want warmer and I want cooler :) I want those temps!! The weather dude says by the end of the week it will be in the mid to high 80's where I live. Beeyuck!!

  8. Oh, and I live in flip flops. Casual ones ... dressy ones ... old and rugged beachy ones. I think in Florida flip flops are another appendage to your body :) And those above were right, that skirt is adorable! Love it.


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