What I wore Sunday


Phew, what a difference a week makes! We're fully back in winter wear. I had a chat with my friend Toni last week about when summer is. I thought summer started on 6th June, she thought 23rd June. But then I decided it was a moot point because our summers are so rubbish that when it's hot....it's summer. When it's not, then it was good while it lasted!

Thick tights, knee hight boots (not pictured obviously), cord skirt, jumper and I wore a scarf and my coat too!
I'm not sure whether this skirt really does make me look this short or whether it's the camera angle, I'll have to assess the situation when I've got someone else around to take my pic!

Please tell me summer's coming back?

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  1. Maybe you should send me a link to this post the next time I'm dreaming about relocating to the UK. Summer begins June 21 and ends September 21 - but not so you'd notice. Love your outfit, even if it is something that I'd wear in late October. I think you need to visit Wisconsin in the summertime. So sorry your summer vanished.

  2. Haha! Summer has definitely come back over here, so maybe it's on it's way to you again too! But even if it's not, I still adore that sweater.

  3. It's the jumper pulled down at the bottom that makes you look short :-p

  4. By my count you got three and a half weeks of summer. I would be feeling a tad ripped off if I were in your shoes. Here'e to hoping you get a bit more summer in the next two months.
    My two-bob on the short legs / proportion question. The top length makes a difference especially combined with the long drop of the yoke on the skirt. Together it adds to the look of lengthening your torso and shortening your legs. I wouldn't have especially noticed unless it was mentioned. I've seen you wear that top with other items and it hasn't created the same illusion, so I am blaming the skirt. Did you make that one - Another V yoke? Looking at this skirt and you rust one; the proportions of the rust one work better for you. This isn't terrible so go on wearing it and skipping happily through the fields :).

  5. I guess you dont want to hear that we have been have " hot" weather all week (30-35*)
    Way to hot for me!!!


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