
A purse for everyone: handmade gift guide for Christmas


We're thinking about tree ornaments, baking cookies and making lists upon lists. Before you know it, Christmas is already here!

If you still have someone on your list you know you want to make something for, but you're just undecided and don't love the pressure (is it really just a few days until Christmas?), Mrs H is here to help with a few ideas :)

For the Stylish One

Choose a lush fabric like the wool I used in this Companion Carpet Bag and pair it with something that will look spectacular, like leather or vinyl. Make sure you get matching handles too!

For the Busy One

Always in a rush, always running out the door. Make a roomy Reversible Hobo Bag where she can put everything she needs for the day. By creating two purses in one, you're helping her save even more minutes every day. 

For the Romantic

Choose a beautiful fabric and create a Bookbag Backpack that she can take to the library, at the flower market and to the beach. 

For the Maker

If she's a maker, like you, she will love the choice of fabric and the unique look of this roomy bag, which is none either than the Nappy Bag in my pattern collection. The size makes it perfect for knitting, drawing and sewing supplies and for lots of making on the go.

For the Sporty One

Who says workout bags have to be black and gloomy (and sometimes way too large than you'd need)? Make her (or him) a beautiful bag that's bright and bold and big enough to carry their workout gear. The bag below is also made with the Nappy Bag pattern.

For Him

He always admires what you make but you're never sure what to make for him. A wallet is easy to sew (it takes only a couple of hours), easy to customise and something practical for him to carry everywhere.

For the Traveller

Always on a trip somewhere or getting ready to leave. They start their Friday mornings by dragging their age old trolley. Imagine the look on their face when they'll see the personalised weekender you've made for them. The bag is made with the Nappy Bag pattern (as well!).

For the Cool Kid

Choose a bold print to make this practical Bookbag Backpack into a one of a kind piece of art! Use a fabric that matches their personality and style!

For the Goodie-goodie

Make her a beautiful, simple, stylish clutch she can use for a brunch with friends or out for a drink. Use a fabric that's subtle and elegant, in a wear-with-everything colour. 

For the Hard to Impress 

A tip for making a stunning party clutch is creating your own pattern by stamping your fabric or using a necklace or a brooch to accessorise. She's wear it everywhere. 

How many last minute gifts are you trying to fit in?

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  1. Good golly, they are all amazing!!

  2. I love all your bags! Wish I had the time to make them all. Keep writing those patterns!!

  3. I love all your bags! Wish I had the time to make them all. Keep writing those patterns!!


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