Happy 4th of July!


Hey American friends,

Happy fourth of July! I promised my Californian babe of a friend that today I'd try to be a bit American in my clothes to help her celebrate Independence day. So I did, then today I remembered that you celebrate being free from the British...and I am British. I'm very, very, very happy that you're free though and wish I was myself! (hee hee!).

I couldn't find anything red but my sister brought back a red white and blue rosette when she visited Chicago. I think aunt Connie made it, or is it cousin Connie...I can't remember seeing as she's aunt/cousin to my sister's boyfriend. Anyway, so I put that on too. I like to think my checked shirt is a bit cow girl! (P.s. see what I mean about mullet hair?)

Anyway, so I also put on my most American socks....mmmm ice cream! It was either them or giraffes. Ice cream was the logical choice really wasn't it! I might have some sweet treats later as another way of helping y'all celebrate...well, that'll be my excuse!

Someone must have told Dusband we were wearing red white and blue cos he put on a red t shirt. He claims it was a co-incidence, but who knows!
Dus was obviously excited by my socks.
I must have missed the memo about open mouth look.
Finally, an open mouthed excited face pic of the two of us in our Americana glory. Have a good day everyone xx

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  1. Thanks for sharing our happy day! AND for stopping by my blog! I looked it up and the next British holiday I could find was July 14th Emmeline Pankhurst Day. Interesting!


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