
Ice 'n' a Slice!


Kinda the wrong season for this, but I feel an obligation to keep you amused in my absence!

When the weather starts getting warmer I love having a slice of lemon, lime or both in my drink with my ice. I love drinking water and this just gives it that tiny extra taste of summery joy! (Also good for adding into fizzy drinks and spirits).

Anyway, I don't like to keep lemons and limes in the fridge as we don't tend to use them before they go off. So here's how to get a cool slice without wasting fruit.

Step 1: Wash your lemons and limes. No, wait, Go and buy your lemons and limes then wash them.

Step 2: Slice your lemons and limes. Hopefully into the same number of slices of each.

Step 3: Layer a slice of lemon with a slice of lime.
Step 4: Cut some squares of aluminium foil (or aluminum if you're American!) as it's recyclable and cling film isn't!

Step 5: Put two sets of lemon and lime on your tin foil. (Diagonally you need less foil)
Step 6: Wrap them up, put them in a plastic tub and put them in the freezer.

Fill your tub obviously. It makes sense!

Anyway, then you can just go to the freezer, get a slice and pop it in your glass. I did them in pairs as my husband and I would rarely make a drink for ourselves without making one for the other as we both work at home and are rarely on our own. That makes us sound sad but it's lovely really!

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  1. Interesting.. veeery interesting..

  2. Wonderful idea! Never thought of freezing them. I HATE water so lemon & lime make it more tolerable for me ... but as you say they go bad so quick. Thanks for sharing.

  3. what a great idea sure to make those drinks in the summer even better come see me at http://shopannies.blogspot.com and see what I shared

  4. What a great idea! I love how easy it is too. :) Thank you for sharing at the Weekend Warrior Link Party!


  5. Greetings from Southern California

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