The front door


So, you all know the story of how we broke our front door trying to break in when we forgot our keys and then we had to move our keys off the back of the door cos I'd blogged to the whole world that we hung our keys on the back of the door?!

What, you didn't? Ok, well you can go read it here. I'll wait.

Ok, all up to speed? Well....we remembered the landlord bemoaning the previous tenants who painted it the bright dark green and they hated it. So knowing we'd have to re paint the door we asked them which colour they wanted it painting. Olive Grove they came back with, a discontinued Dulux colour, but one the local Jewsons could mix.

Dus repaired the door, fixed the mouldings back on, filled the holes and sanded it ready for painting.

What with our busy lives it lived like that for a good few weeks before it was primed with a quite nice dark grey primer. There's lots left and I have a few projects in mind for it!

See, you couldn't tell that the mouldings underneath had been ripped off and fillered to within an inch of their lives! Dussy did a fab job here. It's why he's head of DIY in our house.

And there we are, the top coats going on. If you look carefully you can see a small part on the left where the grey undercoat hasn't been painted over.

It's not as grossy green as we thought it would be and it's growing on us, but it definitely wouldn't have been our first choice, that's for sure!

At least we're not letting the rest of the street down anymore with our bare wood door!

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  1. Wait....they didnt like the 'bright dark green' but wanted you to paint it... 'bright dark green'? What did I miss?

  2. I quite like the tone/look of the grey undercoat.


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