
Short hair warning


Let's recap.

Here's how I looked last Wednesday.

Then Taryn came, saw and conquered my barnet.

Then I looked like this.

Ok, so here's your warning. If you're thinking about having your hair cut short, don't expect to look good when you wake up.

p.s. I have no idea what's going on with my goooglie eyeballs, they're cute ain't they!

Samantha xx

At home with Mrs H

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  1. I agree--'morning hair' is a problem with short hair!

  2. Been there. Done that. It feels so nice and different though, doesn't it? You look so cute.

  3. Sweetie, your new haircut is cute! My hair is growing back in from chemo and I'm embracing the new short silver me. Think Judi Dench or Helen Mirren without the expensive makeup, lol. Your morning pic made me laugh! Few bloggers would post that :o)

  4. OH yeah--know all about this=but-we can also go from wet to dry in .05 seconds--ok-maybe .10 seconds! lol! It's cute! Enjoy~! Blessings, Sharon

  5. Too funny! I am thinking that your short hair will take a lot less time to style, etc...,. plus it looks cute on you.

  6. It's a really cute cut. Lol, Even longer short hair looks crazy in the mornings, I think:)

  7. I have a short hair cut similar to yours. Yeah, no more rolling out of bed and leaving the house. Now I have to wash and fix my hair everyday. But I like the short cut so it's something I'll put up with.

  8. You must have hit a nerve, because people are clicking your link on my party like crazy! You are in the running for most clicked for this week!


  9. Awww come on now I think it makes you look younger! Great style you just need to give it some time:) Deidre~ http://simplysimplisticated4.blogspot.com

  10. Too too funny - thanks for the laugh!

  11. Adorable 'do. Just run your fingers thru it, hun. You rock short hair!

  12. You are darlin' ! Thanks for the laugh. I feel your pain - I went from long curls to the big chop. Now every morning I wake looking like one of the guys from Flock of Seagulls!

    ~ robin

  13. This makes me laugh so hard because my hair does the same thing. I'm growing mine back out and have told everyone to NEVER let me cut it short again. ICK!

    Stopping by from Talent Show Tuesday

  14. So funny I woke up this morning & my hair was standing on end! I've worn it long my entire life & recent cut it about an inch short & spiky!!

  15. Ha ha! So true! As a member of the short hair club on and off for the last 10 years I couldn't agree more! Short hair is great but it is a lot more work than you would think . . . just wait until you're approaching the desperately needing a haircut stage. You really need to be psychic and anticipate it 2 weeks before it happens :)

    Claire @ alittlesomethinginthemeantime.blogspot.com

  16. You will be featured on New Nostalgia's Anti-Procrastination Tuesday! Thanks for linking up!!

  17. Very cute - I'm always envious of ladies who can wear their hair short!

  18. I cut most of mine off when I turned 50...I now look like a cross between Ellen Degeneres and Dame Judi Dench. Except in the morning, when I look like a rooster.

  19. I think your hair is cute! It's like two different people. So glad you linked up with us at "Finding the Funny"!

  20. That's awesome! And a lot of other people agree with me! You're one of the top five most clicked links at last week's finding the funny. We're featuring you tomorrow!


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