
Maximise your Blogger Picture Storage


It seems to me just lately almost all of my favourite bloggers are having issues with storage space of blog photos, yes?

So I thought I'd look into it and see what's going on. Here's the lowdown. Just recently Blogger/Google+/Picasa changed their rules (Missy told me this, I didn't check, I believe her) meaning we all now only have 1GB of storage space for our photos on Picasa. (When you upload a photo to your blogger blog it gets stored on picasa). So you may run out of space.

This is what Picasa say about photos:

PicasaWeb Albums offers 1 GB of free storage for photos and videos. However, files under certain size limits don't count towards this free storage limit. This applies to uploads for other Google products that store photos and videos in PicasaWeb Albums, including Blogger and Google Maps.

The free storage sizes are good for sharing photos on the web, but if you prefer to upload your images in a larger size for better quality (archival or print), you can buy more storage at any time. Learn more

If you've signed up for Google+

Free storage limits

Photos up to 2048x2048 pixels and videos up to 15 minutes won't count towards your free storage.

Automatic resizing

All photos uploaded in Google+ will be automatically resized to 2048 pixels (on their longest edge) and won't count towards your free storage quota.

All photos uploaded to PicasaWeb Albums over the free size limit will count towards your 1 GB of free storage. When you reach your storage limit, any new photos that you upload to PicasaWeb which are larger than the free size limit will be automatically resized to 2048 pixels (on their longest edge).

If you haven't signed up for Google+

Free storage limits

Photos up to 800x800 pixels and videos up to 15 minutes won't count towards your free storage.

Automatic resizing

All photos uploaded which are over the free size limit will count towards your 1 GB of free storage. When you reach your storage limit, any new photos that you upload to PicasaWeb which are larger than the free size limit will be automatically resized to 800 pixels (on their longest edge).

Note: If you reach your storage limit when uploading to PicasaWeb from the Picasa desktop software, you'll only be able to upload at free storage sizes. If you use Sync to Web, new photos that exceed the size limit will be automatically resized to your free storage limit.

Ok, straight from the horses mouth, if you resize your photo to less than 800 x 800 it won't count towards your limit. To do this, upload your photo into PicMonkey like so and then click 'resize' and choose 800 on your longest edge. Make sure the 'keep proportions' box is ticked and it will resize the photo accordingly.

Save that somewhere you can find it again on your computer then when you come to upload your picture it won't count towards your limit. You can of course edit the picture to look nicer using picmonkey's other tools too but for the purposes of this I didn't.

Also, the million adverts about money showing on my screenshots are because I spent the day trying to track down Dus' student loan info! Boy, anyone would think they don't want to be paid back!

The other option (and I haven't extensively tested this one yet) is to set up a new gmail account then add that email address to your blog as an author. This should in theory double your storage space as you are effectively having two storage spaces.

To add another author to your blog, log into blogger and go to settings.

About halfway down the page is the heading 'Permissions' and there is listed all of the email addresses who are allowed to post to your blog. It should only have you and your email address. Click the +Add authors and in the white box that pops up type in your new gmail address. Click the orange 'invite authors' button. An email will go to that new gmail address with a verification link. You'll need to click the link to finish the process.

As I said, I've not verified whether the storage space is doubled, it's a currently unverified 'tip' at the moment but I've tried it and haven't had the warning come up again yet.

In writing this post I made sure to resize all my pics to 800 and they load up super fast. The photo is still ok quality but you can use the pics in this post to decide whether that's the route you wish to take.

Anyone else have any more tips?

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  1. It's worth noting that when you delete an image from your blog or delete an entire post, any images you had on there remain stored in Picasa.

    I've frequently had to re-upload images to blog posts due to formatting problems and such and each one is stored so I've ended up with multiple copies of the same image.

    So, it's worth going through your blog album(s) on Picasa and looking for dupes and 'dead' images that aren't displayed anywhere on your blog.

  2. Thanks for this information. I spent hours yesterday and this morning freeing up storage space and resizing photos. I've not used picmonkey for this. I'm doing it all on Picasa. So far I'm down to 27%. Now I need to delete photos that are dupes and dead images as Ben puts it. LOLLL

  3. I don't think your tip about adding another gmail will double your storage space. I have multiple accounts and they are all listed as authors. I still only had 1 GB of storage space. (Which I have totally filled up)
    Thanks for the tips, I will have to see if I can save some space and stop paying for storage space.

  4. I just had an issues on my personal blog because of this. Thank you for this post!!

  5. I have a question about the automatic resizing. If I have already used all my storage then why doesn't it just automatically upload my images in a smaller size? I used up my storage a long time ago, but then was suddenly able to use the account again and thought/was told that it was because the images were being uploaded in a lower resolution. Suddenly a few days ago I got the warning again. I know how to resize my pictures, but it just seems so time consuming to do for each picture (I upload too many I guess). I guess I am just not clear on how the automatic resizing works. You may not know the answer, but I figured I would ask. I may have to email Blogger because I am frustrated with them on a few issues. Despite deleting all my old "Duds" it won't recognize that I have freed up space (and I waited the 24 hours). I guess they just really want people to break down and give them money. I suppose I will use another account which I did do for awhile and never had any storage issues. Thanks so much for the helpful post!

  6. You can also link to the HTML address of a web image rather than hosting it yourself. Also, I just checked on my blog- I co-author with two very dear friends, and the photos from their posts do not show up under my blog album and are not reflected in my storage limit. I suspect this is because they too have google+ accounts. If they did not, then I would likely be the default host for their images.

  7. Thanks a lot on this idea and information you have discuss here.. It do helps me a lot on my blog site..

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