Sari Skirt for Lizzie


My sister Lizzie brought back a sari pack from Malaysia around...urm...9 years ago?

I think she worked out it cost her around £1.30 maybe. Sari's are sold in sets, a fancy fabric and a matching plain fabric (correct me if I'm wrong) and she's been keeping it for ages. She finally decided to have a clear out and passed it onto me. Because I knew that she'd had it so long I knew it must have some importance to her so decided that I'd sew it into something for her.

Kitties run to her

Skirt week of course is the impetus that I needed and so I turned the fabric into a fully lined maxi skirt to make the most of the pattern printed onto the edge of the fabric.

I used an invisible zipper on the side in lavender which was the closest I could find but as you can only see the small tab at the top, it's not too bad.

Let me say this though, I hated working with this fabric. I found instructions on how to cut slippery fabrics and how to sew slippery fabrics, but no where did I find a tutorial on how to stop it slipping off your lap while you're sewing it!!

Lizzie was happy though so that's the main thing and because it's lined (with the matching plain fabric) it's perfectly modest.

I've possibly got one more skirt in the pipelines but seeing as I've not even received the fabric yet, I don't think that'll be done in time for skirt week! With temperatures here soaring into the late teens (mid sixties for y'all) , I'm appreciating having some new skirts though. I hope summer lasts!!

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  1. I love my skirt! So very much! Thank you!

    Now I just need some tops to match it. Time for a spree :)


  2. Lovely skirt and a nice surprise for Liz.
    did you try the tissue paper trick for slippery fabric? It's on my list to try. what about one of those little gripping things in your lap? The kind you use to open jars or stop stuff from sliding.

  3. Lovely skirt and a nice surprise for Liz.
    did you try the tissue paper trick for slippery fabric? It's on my list to try. what about one of those little gripping things in your lap? The kind you use to open jars or stop stuff from sliding.

  4. mmmm Beautiful,,love the color too. I wish I had three hands when working with the slippery stuff!! I got a couple of skirts done but with all the cloudy, rainy days,I haven't been able to take photos...errrg!!

  5. This skirt turned out beautifully! I love the color. I love long skirts... Of course, they used to be so much more flattering when I was a skinnier kind of gal. I'll have to work on that so that I can get back to wearing the long skirts.

  6. Brilliant pattern placement - I love the border at the hem. For invisible zips, I've found that if the tab is the wrong colour a bit of right colour nail varnish works well.

  7. I love it I am so proud of how you have embraced sewing of all kinds i think both nannies would slso have been proud of all if you and I think lizzie looks fantastic in her new skirt.

  8. put a piece of wadding on your lap - pin it to your trousers if you need to.


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