What I wore Sunday - Hair edition


So I was washing my hands yesterday and glanced up and WOAH, in the mirror, right there, staring back at me was myself but with Julie Andrews' hair. I tried to get Dus to recreate the angle for you all to see but you might have to squint a bit when you look now because we didn't quite achieve it.

Ok, you're right, this actually IS Julie Andrews. Isn't she beautiful?

Here's me.

See, Julie Andrews, I kid you not.

This is sort of a what I wore post if you just imagine you can see my jeans clad legs too. I have 6 pairs of jeans, only two fit. I have 2 pairs of trousers, neither of those fit. I think I need to work on my 'bottoms' for a little while!

What's that? You want to see a side by side comparison? Ah, go on then. Here's me and me Julie

Me Julie will be 78 this year. I don't mind being the same as her at all....not if I'm going to look that good at 77!!

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  1. I love your short hair. I used to have hair like that, but you-know-who whines about it being too short. Now it's longer and ugly. I'm getting it cut tomorrow! YEA.

    You and Julie hang out together? ;-)

  2. It really is Julie Andrews hair! Awesome! :D

  3. You are so cute!! Love your spunk... you have that in common with Julie , too!! :)

  4. Lookin' good - and well spotted in the mirror.


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