
New Hope Gospel Choir 2013


New Hope baptist church from Atlanta, GA, Turning Point church from Florida and Holland Road Baptist Church in Brighton came to visit us last week. (not the whole churches, just some)
I know you all know that, it's all you've heard about for weeks!

I'm back with a few pics of the week's events that we were involved with in our church for you to see.
I took loads of pics and they were all rubbish compared to my friend Helen's so I've pinched some of hers too :)

If you want to see the whole album from New Hope Baptist church, pop over to their facebook page.

There are tons of videos of the Saturday night concert on our church page and the sound is great. They're a little bit wibbly, but Helen did a great job of capturing the sound!

I tell you what, these mission friends really do work long hours, and were so very grateful for the opportunity to come share with us. My favourite team was the care home team, they made the residents smile, spent time chatting and really brightened up the day of those who saw them.

I don't have any pics of the events I wasn't at, so sorry but you won't be able to see the puppet team or pirates at Kidz Club!

Wednesday night...ladies night!

(c) Helen Thomas
Tables all set up and ready for ladies night. Let us never again discuss the table runners. No, wait, I took photos, we'll have to discuss them again!

We had favor bags, red white and blue napkins, floral table centres, bunting, flags, sparkly bits and hunky waiters. I'll let you decide if they were hunky!

(c) Helen Thomas
Dale our pastor is on the left, then Dusband, then Ken, then Spike. They were very attentive, refilling our glasses and teacups and serving us well. Thank you men!

(c) Helen Thomas
We had testimonies from three of the visiting guests and they were all so lovely. What they said was so powerful, and yet so personal. Thank you ladies for sharing your stories with us.

(c) Helen Thomas
Thursday a team visited the care homes nearest to us and we were able to give them lunch after. I found a gorgeous couple of photos on the New Hope's facebook page to share with you.

(c) New Hope Baptist Church
This lady in the stripey top was such an encouragement to me, her name is Ellen and every time I saw her she had a huge smile on her face and cheered me up when I was feeling tired. She must have been tired herself, they arrived and went straight into events, yet she was always so cheerful and I gave her some tea to take home. Everyone knows British tea is the best!

(c) New Hope Baptist Church
Apparently the way to a Welsh pensioner's heart is to send a hunky polite American to chat with them. The Welsh ladies loved this guy! I loved this guy! We'll call him Larry the loveable! (his name actually is Larry I think!)

Finally on the care homes team pics is my friend Jana.

(c) New Hope baptist church
I was so fortunate that Jana found herself at our church 3 times during the week. Each time we'd sneak off and have a chat until we were shushed or pulled away to do the things we were meant to. We loved chatting to each other, and I'm so lucky to have made another international friend. I hope she comes back next year!

Here's the proof that my photos were rubbish in comparison. We were able to feed lunch to the care homes team in the room that had been decorated last year by the community action team.

Thursday night we had our Party in the church for the 11 + youth. 

(c) Helen Thomas
We started with messy games, disco & surf simulator.

(c) Helen Thomas
(c) Helen Thomas
Followed by a talk by Student pastor & incredible illusionist Shane.

(c) Helen Thomas

(c) Helen Thomas
The biggest blessing of this youth event, aside from the message that the young people heard, was that now there is someone praying for us, willing us on with our mission and supporting us. Shane was so encouraging. He acknowledged that it's a tough crowd but he built Dus and I up and we know that he'll be thinking of us as he returns to his regular life.


Saturday it was our turn to have the whole choir concert. Not the whole choir, that would be hundreds, the whole choir that came to Wales.

My friend G and I sat downstairs to watch the concert on the tv after we'd finished our duties. It was amazing watching the choir, they were so great.

Then I went upstairs to see them live and WOW, they were incredible!! We had the windows open it was so hot and the whole village could hear them! (I may be exaggerating slightly)

I took a couple of pics of the crowd so that you can see how packed the church was. We were almost at full capacity.

Here's the whole crew after the concert.

(c) New Hope Baptist Church
You'd think that was the end, right? But no, you're wrong!!


Sunday morning we had a breakfast, but both Helen and I forgot to take photos so just imagine, bacon, sausages, scrambled eggs, toast & baked beans. 

The amazingly talented Sonya Knight came to share Sunday with us and did us the great honour of singing for us. She made my spine tingle she's so talented. I really don't think she needed the mic! I took a video but the sound quality on my HTC is so bad I'm not going to share it, she's so much better than that!
I found this embed widget thing on her reverbnation page to share with you. If you click on each song you can hear a snippet from each I think. She's so incredibly talented and yet was so grateful for the chance to be with us. I could learn a whole lot about grace from Sonya.

Sonya live in action!

Then Sunday our talk at church was done by the magical Shane. I took loads of pics of his sermon, all really quickly after one another for you to see how animated he was. I love a preacher who stands on a chair, hovering, while he speaks....peril makes a message much easier to engage with!

After the service, Helen invited Dus and I to join them for lunch whilst they entertained the visiting team members who had spent their Sunday morning with us.

Finally, before they all left for that evening's concert I got a quick pic taken with my lovely new friend Jana. Ignore the fact I have a goofy grin, was up at ridiculous o'clock to organise breakfast and my face shows the strains, my skirt is all skew-wiff and my legs are pasty pale and I'm about a foot shorter than Jana, she didn't care. Jana is a beautiful lady, so full of love and really blessed me by accepting me as I was and encouraging me in the things I had spent the week doing. I hope she comes back next year!

So there we have it, that was last week. So far this week I've not done a lot and I intend on doing even less this weekend! Now that my freezer is empty I might get around to batch cooking my way to a month's worth of ready meals!

Please tell me you've all been terribly productive this week to make up for my laziness?

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  1. What an awesome week you had!
    Your Red, White & Blue decorations were so welcoming for the Americans.
    Thanks for sharing with us :)


  2. Yeah, I'd be cheerful too if I left the heat of Atlanta and got to spend time in Wales. lol What a tremendous welcome your church gave those people. It looks like a fantastic effort and not a bit of it wasted. Glad it was such a success. I don't suppose you'd like a choir from NW Wisconsin - oh wait, it would be a choir of one - and my range is pretty much from the G below Middle C to the E above middle C. lol Great photos!

    You need a break. Wanna come visit Wisconsin?

  3. Looks like a really cool week! You put in lots of work to help it go well so I think you deserve a pat on the back (and a big bar of chocolate!)

  4. Wow, I knew you were busy, but I'm exhausted just reading about everything you've been up to!


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