
What I wore Sunday


Friends, I'm back from the land of scheduled posts! Possibly it would have been a good idea to have a couple more ready but hey ho, it's too late.

So here's what I wore yesterday to church. I only had to cook breakfast for (potentially) 70 and then provide a pasta bake for the lunch for 20 although I wasn't in charge of the lunch, just did a bake.

Lovelies, we're having a heat wave!! With highs of 27 C (80F) I couldn't wear my beloved jeans so opted for a denim skirt and light blouse. I love this blouse but it's rarely warm enough to wear.

I've got some great pics from the week's choir visit and they're doing their last concert tonight at ynysybwl before a quick day out to Windsor castle and then home on Wednesday. I've made some great friends and met some amazing people. I'll share some more with you later in the week when the feeling in my ankles returns!

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  1. Cute!

    I see a long word with a lot of consonants. Is that a typo?? LOL So I'm taking a stab at pronunciation: ina-SIH-bool. Please let me know. Welsh is just fascinating!

  2. Ha, I'm just like "Cranberry Morning". I saw "ynysybwl" and was like, "Say what? Must be Welsh" :)

    I love that skirt! I so want one! LOVE it. And your heat wave would be a welcome event here. It was 97 degrees and humid Saturday while walking around OUTSIDE at the Nascar Race!! MISERABLE. The weather, not the race :)

  3. That blouse is so cute!
    Needless to say it's hot here too. Absolutely roasting! Us Brits must look so feeble in the eyes of those from seriously hot countries lol

  4. Hahaha! You crack me up! a HEATWAVE AT 27 C (80F)? LOLLLL.....What more can I say!!
    ChrisW Designs

  5. lol lol! The other commentors have all said what I wanted to say. please how is 'that' word pronounced. Cute blouse. 27 - my idea of perfect; not too hot, not too cold. Enjoy the warmth while it lasts.

  6. See, now I must be a little slow since I totally thought that was an acronym like the youth night...somethin somethin... Yeah, Welsh makes much more sense. Adorable top though. I love the collar!


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