
Not a loser!


Wohoo, I'm a winner!!!!

Liz at Moments blog had a giveaway to celebrate her page views and I entered because I seriously cannot resist Liz's work. You'll understand when I show you what I won. I won!!!

Anyway, here's what Liz sent me.

She made this beautiful notebook cover out of some..urm...fabric? It looks like linen, but it's really soft and cheek stroke able. It's perfect size to fit my church notebook! She also included a little card and a  card with some sewing charms on too. I wonder what I can use them for, you'll have to give me some ideas!

Thank you Liz, you're the best blogger based in Germany I know*!

*Yes, ok, you're the only blogger I know who's in Germany, but you're still the best!

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  1. Lucky you!!!!!!! Lovely prize. You could use the charms as zipper pulls on your bags or pouches.

  2. that's really tweet. congrats.

  3. Yay for you winning these beautiful gifts!!
    Pincushions are fun for using charms!


  4. I am glad to see your prize finally arrived...I started to think it was going Pony Express :-)
    Yes the cover is made out of linen...german linen ...nice & soft :-)
    I am sure you can use the charms on some bags or totes...enjoy it is nice to know that I am the nicest Blogger you know in Germany...LOL

  5. So I have an idea for the little charms... I was at the quilt shop and I saw that they have little charm thingys to put on your scissors. They used those little cell phone charm straps and attached them that way. very cute!


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